Monday, September 29, 2008

Just for Fun: The Spider

Just for fun; I'm sharing a link to a Flash animation of a spider. It is an example of mathematics applied in computer programming to simulate physics. And it is cool.

Cane River Lake

View Larger Map

Test/Binder Check Tuesday

Please be prepared for a test and binder check over GLEs 9, 10, and 11 and central Louisiana parishes on GLEs 2 and 4.

Art Map Bonus Opportunity

Line #20 in the instructions (natural resources) is now optional. I will give 2 extra-credit project points for those completing this task.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Alternatives to Excel

If you need to make a spreadsheet for your charts and graphs, you may use Excel. However, Excel is expensive and I do not expect you to purchase it for my class (especially since I don't use it). There are some great free alternatives. Please get parental permission.

OpenOffice is a free, open-source alternative to Excel. You have to download and install it. I have used it and can say that it worked well for me.

Another free spreadsheet is offered online through Google. No download is required but you have to sign up for a free Google account.

Art Map: Major Land Resource Regions

Ignore the numbers on the map online; just use the colored areas.

1600s Timeline Note

You may include other expeditions on the Mississippi River that led to the French colonization of Louisiana.

Art Map Due Thursday

Just another reminder -- the Art Map is due Thursday, 02 October 2008. It is a non-droppable project grade. Projects are weighted at 10% of your overall grade. I assigned this project on the first week of school and posted the due date on the board before school started.

Mac Excel Help

If you are using Excel on a Mac you can find help here:

Art Map FAQs

I want a good, neat art map but I am not expecting perfection. Fulfill the rubric's requirements and you will get a good grade. I am open to your creative ideas on how to make this happen.

What about the nine cultural sub-regions? I don't see that many on the map.

Some are labeled by color, others are printed on the map (e.g., Terrace Flatwoods). As long as you have what's on the map it will be OK.

I can't fit everything on the map. How am I supposed to make it all fit?

Use smaller indicators, such as dots or stripes.

I need help using Excel to make my chart and graph.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

GLE #10 Spreadsheet Calculator

I posted a spreadsheet to help calculate percentage of change problems for GLE #10. GLE #10 is "Analyze the population characteristics and other demographic information about the United States and Louisiana, including rates of increase/decrease for demographic variables." The spreadsheet is available in the iDisk under 8th Grade Social Studies/Geography/gle10/gle10calculator.xls. You may open it in Excel or OpenOffice. You may also download the file here:
GLE #10 Calculator

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Please read the linked articles before coming to class. We will have a quiz on Friday.

Monday -- Nazca
Tuesday -- Olmec
Wednesday -- Skara Brae
Thursday -- Çatalhüyük
Friday -- Poverty Point

Change to Art Map Instructions

Please make the following change to line #19 of the art map instructions (not the rubric):

19. Add major crops to your art map. The five major crops of Louisiana are cotton, soybeans, rice, sugarcane, and corn. Indicate which parishes had gross income of over $20,000,000 in 2002 (Yodis, Colten, & Johnson, 2003 (pp. 147-149). Indicate the parishes with these crops on the Louisiana's Agriculture Map at

Corn is labeled "Feed Grains" on this map.

Reminder: Upcoming Due Dates

Just a reminder, these assignments, given some time ago, are coming due before the end of this grading period:

The Art Map of Louisiana Project -- 02 October 2008
The GLE #62 Timeline of the 1600s -- 08 October 2008
The GLE #63 Take-Home Test -- 09 October 2008

If you lost your instructions please print another copy from the iDisk -- see the links to the right.

I am concerned about the students who have not taken their art maps home to finish them. Time is running out!

Friday: Quiz on the Cradles of Civilization

As announced in class (and on the board) earlier this week we have a quiz on Friday over the cradles of civilization. I wrote a study guide on the board today:
  • Definition of civilization
  • Five cradles of civilization
  • Rivers in each (except Mesoamerica and the Andes)
  • Writing in each (Indus River probably spoke Dravidian and wrote in hieroglyphics)
  • The five stages of material culture (Paleolithic through Iron Age)
  • Bronze Age -- what is bronze?
  • Sumer -- what was it and why was it important?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Suggested Study Techniques for Test 1.3 on Tuesday

I suggest that you make flashcards of the information from the review game today to prepare for the test. Phone a friend and quiz each other until you know the things you missed during the game.

Test 1.3 & Binder Check 1.3 on Tuesday

The binder check will be on your mind maps and bellringers not previously checked.

The test covers GLEs 1-8, except 3. We reviewed for the test today. If you were absent please look over the outlines for GLEs 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8; the map for the NW and NE parishes for GLE #2, and the charts for the NW and NE parishes on GLE #4.

Remember, the Art Map is due 02 October 2008.

Need Internet Access?

I am sending a letter home on Tuesday to determine which students need Internet access at school to complete the bellringers or other assignments. I have repeatedly offered in all classes to write passes for anyone in need of Internet access. If you are reading this at home please continue to do so. I only want to write passes for those without access to the Internet at home. I am requiring everyone to sign and return a letter about Internet access to help those who truly need Internet access and hold everyone accountable for reading the world history articles that I have assigned. My pretest indicates a strong need for world history review before we take the LEAP.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Caddo Middle Magnet a 'Blue Ribbon School'

Read the Shreveport Times' article on our Blue Ribbon School:

Bellringers on the Cradles of Civilization

Please read the following articles:
Monday: What does "civilization" mean? What were the five earliest known civilizations?
Tuesday: Egypt
Wednesday: Mesopotamia
Thursday: Indus Civilization
Friday: Shang Dynasty

Be able to give 7 facts about each of the ancient civilizations above.

Point Sheets Went Home this Week

I sent home point sheets and a few progress reports this week. Please return them with a parent signature. If you did not submit a topic/category worksheet on time you are missing 10% of your grade for the class because you have no project grade. If you turn in your art map and timeline projects on time you will recover most of the missing 10% of your grade (assuming, of course, that you make a good score on each project. As mentioned on the back-to-school letter, grades are weighted at:
  • 10% classwork
  • 10% projects
  • 80% tests & quizzes

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Test & Binder Check 1.2 on Wednesday

We will have the test & binder check Wednesday. Study GLEs 5, 6, 7, and 8. Review materials from the previous test, such as vocabulary cards.

The binder check includes:
  • GLE #5 -- mind map & worksheet
  • GLE #6 -- mind map
  • GLE #7 -- mind map & worksheet
  • GLE #8 -- mind map and video notes on the Great Flood of 1927
  • Bellringers
  • Vocabulary Cards from GLE #2, assigned two weeks ago

No GLE #2 maps are due. No GLE #4 charts are due.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How to Solve a Rubik's Cube

CMM Fundraiser

Please participate in the CMM magazine sales fundraiser. I order magazines through CMM every year because I know how much the equipment we purchase through the fundraiser helps our students. I encourage everyone to take part and support their education.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

iDisk Help

  1. Open the iDisk by clicking the link to the right on this blog labeled "Blankenship's iDisk"
  2. Double click 8th grade folder
  3. Double click Geography folder
  4. Double click the GLE folder that you want
  5. Click the far right arrow for the file that you want to download
  6. Wait for the file to download to your computer
  7. Open the file on your computer by double-clicking the file icon in Windows (or on the Mac)

Point Sheets Today

I sent home point sheets today. Please get a parent signature and select a password to check your grades on TeacherWeb. Write your desired password on the point sheet. I am in the process of setting up grades for access on TeacherWeb.

Mind Mapping Video

Monday, September 8, 2008

Test Wednesday, Binder Check Tuesday

I rescheduled them to allow a second day of review before the test.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Iron Age

Please read the following article before coming to class on Friday, 19 September 2008.

Iron Age

Bronze Age

Please read the following article before you come to class on Thursday, 18 September 2008.

Bronze Age

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Neolithic Period

Please read the following article before class on 17 September 2008 so that you can answer the bellringer question:

Neolithic Period

Mesolithic Period

Please read this article for the bellringer on Tuesday, 16 September 2008:

Mesolithic Period

Paleolithic Period

We will begin our review of world history for the LEAP Test through the bellringers next Monday. Please read this article before you come to class on Monday, 15 September 2008 so that you can answer the bellringer question for that day:

Paleolithic Period

Help with the GLE #2 Maps and other GLE Activities

Scroll down on this blog to see the maps I posted to aid you on GLE #2 and the GLE #3 Art Map Project.

To see all blog entries on GLE #1, click here.
To see all blog entries on GLE #2, click here.
To see all blog entries on GLE #3, click here.
To see all blog entries on GLE #4, click here.

Lost a worksheet? Download it from the iDisk.

GLE #2 Vocabulary Cards

For help with many of the definitions see your textbook glossary and:

The word list:
  • Barrier beaches
  • Bay
  • Bayou
  • City
  • Coast
  • County
  • Fjord
  • Gulf
  • Hamlet
  • Hill
  • Island
  • Isthmus
  • Lake
  • Landform
  • Levee
  • Mountain
  • Ocean
  • Pass
  • Parish
  • Parish seat
  • Peninsula
  • Plain
  • Pond
  • Reservoir
  • River
  • Salt domes
  • Sea
  • Sound
  • Thalweg
  • Town
  • Village
  • Weir

GLE #1 Worksheet Help

The GLE #1 World Clock

If you want my PTSA magazine order and extra credit...

The first person to physically bring a print out of this blog signed by a parent/guardian to me on Monday gets my PTSA magazine fundraiser order and 5 extra credit test points. In the event of a tie the tie will be broken by random selection (i.e., coin toss or dice roll). Everyone else bringing a signed copy of this blog entry on Monday gets the 5 extra credit test points.

CMM has so many good things because of the fundraiser. I hope everyone will sell at least two magazines.

Weekly Preview

  • Binder Check 1.1 (see below for details)
  • Review for Test 1.1
  • GLE #5 -- Geography

  • Test 1.1
  • GLE #6 -- Geography
  • GLE #62 -- Historical Thinking Skills

  • Discuss Test 1.1
  • Point Sheets
  • GLE #7 -- Geography
  • GLE #8 -- Geography

  • GLE #8 video -- Geography
  • GLE #63 -- Historical Thinking Skills
  • GLE #64 -- Historical Thinking Skills

  • GLE #8 video -- Geography
  • GLE #65 -- Historical Thinking Skills

Binder Check 1.1

Binder Check 1.1 on Monday will include:
  • The GLE #1 Worksheet
  • The GLE #2 maps (waterways and parishes/parish seats) for week 1: northwest Louisiana parishes (see page 3 of the GLE #2 worksheets)
  • The GLE #4 chart on northwest Louisiana parishes
  • The Longitude Crossword
  • The GLE #2 Vocabulary Cards

The Map Basics Crossword is not yet due.

Monday, September 1, 2008

About the Course Calendar on Google

I have tentatively planned out the school year in Google. Anything more than a few days out is subject to change, though the project due dates are unlikely to be altered.