Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekly Preview

First week of January 2009

GLE #72 -- Leaders in Louisiana History
GLE #73 -- Antebellum Louisiana

GLE #73 -- Antebellum Louisiana
GLE #76 -- Governments of Louisiana

GLE #73 -- Antebellum Louisiana
GLE #77 -- Wars and Louisiana

Complete any unfinished GLE presentations
GLE #78 -- Geography in Louisiana History
Review Game (if time permits)

Test over materials taught this week (see above)
GLE #79 -- Natural Resources in Louisiana History

Saturday, December 20, 2008

GLE #26 Outline Updated

If you have downloaded the GLE #26 outline please discard the old version and download the revised copy from the iDisk.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Social Studies Fair Displays

Remember, the displays and monologues are due 13 January 2009. I distributed rubrics and discussed the projects at the beginning of the school year. If you have questions please ask as soon as possible.

Grades Updated

I updated the course grades Tuesday afternoon.

Test on Friday

The test on Friday will only cover GLEs 73 (colonial period), 74, and 75. It will not cover GLE 76. Study the crossword puzzles for the GLEs on the test.

GLE #73 Crossword Puzzle: Colonial Period

Louisiana History
Benchmark: H-1D-M1; describing the contributions of people, events, movements, and ideas that have been significant in the history of Louisiana ; (1, 3, 4)
GLE #73. Describe and explain the importance of major events and ideas in the development of Louisiana (H-1D-M1)

We went over this puzzle today in class; if you were absent or lost your copy you may download from these links.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

GLE #76 Puzzle

I will not include GLE #76 on the test this Friday except for the pre-Columbian and colonial periods.

Louisiana History
Benchmark: H-1D-M2; tracing the development of the various governments that have been established in Louisiana throughout history; (1, 3, 4, 5)
GLE #76. Trace and describe various governments in Louisiana's history (H-1D-M2)

GLE #75 Puzzle

Louisiana History
Benchmark: H-1D-M1; describing the contributions of people, events, movements, and ideas that have been significant in the history of Louisiana ; (1, 3, 4)
GLE #75. Describe the contributions of ethnic groups significant in Louisiana history (H-1D-M1)

Crosswords for GLE #74

Louisiana History
Benchmark: H-1D-M1; describing the contributions of people, events, movements, and ideas that have been significant in the history of Louisiana ; (1, 3, 4)
GLE #74. Describe the causes and effects of various migrations into Louisiana (H-1D-M1)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

GLE #72 Crossword Puzzle for the Colonial Period

The GLE #72 crossword puzzle for the colonial period.

Extra Credit Opportunity

You may earn 10 extra-credit test points (but no more than 2% of your overall grade) by completing the LEAP practice test for 8th grade. You must bring a print-out by the Friday before Christmas. See:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

GLE #71 Puzzle

GLE #71. Describe major early explorers and explorations significant to Louisiana or early settlers in Louisiana


We will cover GLE #72 for the colonial period. No quiz.

We covered GLE #71 (explorers) today.

Weekly Preview

15-20 December 2008


Louisiana history
IEP Day for my IEP students

Louisiana history
GLE #75
Test on GLEs 23, 24, 71, 72 (as covered in class), 73 (as covered in class)

Louisiana history
GLE #76

Louisiana history
Review game

Louisiana history
Test on GLEs 71 to 76 as covered in class

No Bellringer Quiz

We are taking a break from the bellringers. No quiz Friday. We will continue our study of the early history of Louisiana. Read Chapter 5 for next week.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thanks to All Supporters of the English Department!

Thanks to all the CMM families supporting the ELA teachers at Cheeburger! Cheeburger! and Barnes and Noble tonight. It was good to see so many of our students and former students participate despite the wet weather.

Grades Updated

I updated the grades on TeacherWeb about 4:00 p.m. to include the test on GLEs 18 to 22 given today.

Monday, December 8, 2008

About the Athens Bellringer

Please read the sections on "Athen's expansion" and "Athens at its zenith" for the quiz on Friday rather than the first five paragraphs. 

See the last Weekly Preview for a link to the article.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Updating GLE #24

I am updating GLE #24 for some of the recent elections and upcoming cabinet appointments. The files are taking some time to upload, so please check back later tonight or tomorrow for an outline dated today that replaces the old outline from September.

Friday, December 5, 2008

GLE #23 Puzzle

GLE #23. Identify qualifications and terms of office for key leaders/representatives at the state and local levels (C-1A-M6)

Civics Reading Assignment

Please read Chapter 4 in the textbook by next Friday as a supplement to the course material. You are not required to do the assignments in the textbook, nor will I test you on this chapter except as it coincides with the material presented in class.

Grades Updated

To see your grades on today's test go to TeacherWeb (see the link in the right-hand column of this blog), select your class and then enter your last name and password.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

GLE #22 Puzzle

GLE #22. Describe the powers/responsibilities and limits of power for government officials at the local and state levels in Louisiana (C-1A-M6)

GLE #22 Crossword Puzzle #1

GLE #22 Crossword Puzzle #2

Weekly Preview

8-12 December 2008


Bellringer: Ancient Greek Civilization
GLE #23

Bellringer: Sparta
Test: GLEs 18 through 22 (see the crossword study guides)
GLE #24
Binder/Mind Map Check

Bellringer: Athens
GLE #25 -- Legislative Sim

Bellringer: Socrates
GLE #26

Bellringer: Plato
GLE #27
Quiz on Bellringers: Trojan War through Socrates

CMM Student Announcements

Phase Two of the canned food drive is underway! Collect cans through Tuesday morning December 16th!

There will be a brief Homeroom Rep Meeting in the PAC Foyer Friday morning during Stallion Round-up.

Student Council and Newspaper Staff members going on the field trip this morning should report to the buses no later than 8:00.

The Holiday Dance will be Wednesday, December 17th. Make plans to attend! Tickets will go on sale at lunch Monday, December 15th.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

GLE #21 Puzzle

21. Describe the various forms of local government in Louisiana (C-1A-M5)

GLE #20 Puzzle

GLE #20: Identify the structure and powers of the three branches of the state government, the limits of those powers, and key positions within each branch (C-1A-M5)

GLE #19 Puzzle

GLE #19: Explain the purposes of state constitutions and describe the relationship of the Louisiana Constitution to the U.S. Constitution (C-1A-M4)

GLE #18 Puzzle

The crossword puzzle for GLE #18 is linked below. The test on GLE #18 through #22 will be on Tuesday. The American Government Unit Test will be this Friday.

GLE #18. Identify the powers of state government as defined in the Louisiana Constitution and compare/contrast those powers to the powers of the federal government (C-1A-M3)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

No Federalism on the Unit Test

I will not draw review questions from the federalism test on the American government review test. Please study the other crosswords. I hope you all do well!

Poinsettia Pick-Up Day

Poinsettias will arrive tomorrow afternoon. They will arrive around 2:00 p.m. Students & parents may pick them up in the G-Wing. Thanks to all participants!