Sunday, November 30, 2008

Change to GLE #18

I made a change to the GLE #18 outline and presentation. If you downloaded an earlier version delete it and download the new one.

iDisk: GLE Outlines 18-21 Posted

The iDisk should be ready to use; email me if you cannot find a file. My thanks to the student who noticed that the GLE #18 outline was not in its folder and let me know!

iDisk: Try Again Later If You Have Trouble

If you have trouble downloading the outlines from the iDisk, try again later today. I am syncing the iDisk with my hard drive this afternoon to make sure you get the latest version of each outline, so you may have to wait a few hours to download. 

Friday, November 28, 2008

15 December 2008: My IEP Meetings

My IEP meeting date is 15 December 2008. I sent the first set of notification letters home before Thanksgiving. I am required to send two more, even if the earlier letter(s) have been signed and returned. This pertains only to the students on my IEP roster. 

Grades Updated

I updated your grades to include your research papers. If you turned in your paper late your grade is not yet posted.

Primary Sources: A Second Chance to Clarify

We will go over your research papers next week. Some did not indicate a primary source. In some instances I could figure out which source(s) were primary, but not in each case. I told each class to note which source was primary, but I will give students losing points in this category a chance to prove that they used a primary source before the end of the grading period. If this applies to you, you must print out your primary source (or bring a copy) and write a paragraph explaining how this source is an example of a primary source for your subject. The deadline for regaining these points is the second Friday in December.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Back on Email (Occasionally)

I'm occasionally checking my email during the holiday (I can't seem to break the habit). If you need help with your Social Studies Fair display board or monologue send an email but be patient if I do not reply as quickly as I sometimes do. I am writing IEPs over the break.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Poinsettia Sales: Results

Thanks to all participants in the poinsettia fundraiser! Second period wins the competition.

The graph shows average sales in dollars.

The American Government Review Test

On Friday, 05 December 2008, you will take a unit test on American government. Please study your notes (especially the questions from the videos) and the crossword puzzles on government.

Email Over the Holiday

I will be taking some time off from my email over the break. Have a great Thanksgiving! Feel free to write but don't expect a reply until I return.

Grades Updated

I updated the grades to include today's test & quiz.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Talking About Greece

Weekly Preview (Week After Thanksgiving Break)

These are the bellringers for the week after Thanksgiving. Please do not confuse them with the ones on Egypt for tomorrow's quiz.

I encourage my students to download and print the GLE outlines before coming to class. It will save you a lot of work. See the link to the iDisk on the right-hand column of this blog.

Bellringer: Philistines and Sea People
GLE #18

Bellringer: Aegean Civilization
GLE #19

Bellringer: Minoan Civilization
GLE #20

Bellringer: Homer
GLE #21

Bellringer: Trojan War
Review Test -- American Government (study the crosswords from the review videos)
Quiz on Bellringers -- Ramses II to Homer

The test on this week's GLEs will be next Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grades Updated

I updated the grades on TeacherWeb to include today's test on the judicial branch.

Be sure to scroll down on this page to see the study guide for Friday.

Poinsettia Sales

Please bring your poinsettia forms and money in on Thursday. I would like to wrap up sales on Thursday if possible.

If sales fall short of our needs we may have to scale back the Mardi Gras celebration this year. We need each person to sell at least two to cover expenses.

Progress Reports and Point Sheets

Please remember to get your progress report signed (if you received one). Everyone has been given a point sheet this week. Remember that you can check your grades online.

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Crossword Study Guide

Here is the study guide for the next test (on Friday):

And the printable version:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Poinsettia Sales

Please bring your sales forms and money in on Wednesday if you are done selling. Friday is the final day to turn in funds and orders, but I would prefer to wrap things up on Thursday if possible.

If the fundraiser is not successful we may have to scale back our Mardi Gras celebration.

Remember -- the class with top per person sales wins a prize!

Test on the Judicial Branch Wednesday

As previously announced, the test on the judicial branch (40 questions) will be on Wednesday. See previous posts for study guides.

Progress Reports and Point Sheets

All students in 6th and 7th periods received point sheets today. Student with less than a B also received official progress reports. Official progress reports MUST be signed and returned. I sent them home one day early because the grades will not change tonight,

All other classes will receive point sheets and progress reports on Wednesday.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Social Studies Fair Displays

Just a reminder: Social Studies Fair displays are due on 13 January 2009.

Bellringer Quiz on Friday

As usual, we will take a quiz on the bellringers on Friday. The quiz will cover Amenhotep I to Akhenaton.

Official Progress Reports on Wednesday

I will send home official progress reports on Wednesday for students with less than a B in my class.

Poinsettia Sales

I will start collecting money on Tuesday.

First IEP Notification Letters

Please get your IEP notification letter signed and returned on Tuesday. IEP meetings are scheduled for Monday, 15 December 2008 for my IEP students.

Judicial Branch Crosswords, Part II

The judicial branch test will be on Wednesday.

I wrote a second crossword puzzle:

Here is the printable version of the first crossword on the judicial branch:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekly Preview

Bellringer: Hatshepsut
Judicial Branch

Bellringer: Thutmose III
Judicial Branch

Bellringer: Amenhotep III
Test on Judicial Branch
Civil Rights

Bellringer: Akhenaton
Civil Rights

Bellringer: Ramses II
Test on Civil Rights
Egypt video

Tests of Speech

Crossword puzzle on tests of speech:

Test & Quiz Friday

The test will cover civil liberties. In addition to the crossword please know the seven tests of speech (slander, libel, sedition, bad tendency, etc.).

The quiz will cover bellringers Imhotep through Ahmose I AND the video on Egypt seen on Wednesday.

I plan to check mind maps on Friday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bureaucracy Test Thursday

Since I was out today we will take the test Thursday. The civil liberties will still be Friday.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Poinsettia Sales

Just another reminder!

Civil Liberties Study Guides

Here are the first study guides for civil liberties. I'll post the second one tomorrow. I'm changing that test to Friday.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bureaucracy Test Wednesday

I rescheduled the bureaucracy test to Wednesday. 

Study guide:

Grades Updated

I checked and the grades are updated and working. Let me know if you have a problem. 

Poinsettia Sales

I want to remind you that we need each student to sell (or make an equivalent donation to) two poinsettias to fund our Mardi Gras celebration.

The class with top sales will have either a pizza celebration, ice cream celebration, or a McDonald's breakfast celebration (depending on the time of day that the class meets and a vote of the class members).

(Photo from USDA)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Greater New Orleans Parish Chart

We will soon cover the parishes of Greater New Orleans:

Florida Parishes Chart

Next week we will examine the Florida Parishes.

Acadiana East Parishes

We will go over the Acadiana East parishes this week. If you miss that day you can get the answers here:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hey, Hey, Hatshepsut!

Weekly Preview

I updated the course grades with Test 2.3 and Quiz 2.2. I'll add Test 2.2 on Monday when I am back at school.

Bellringer: Khufu and the Pyramids of Giza
American government review

Bellringer: Sphinx
Test on Bureaucracy

Bellringer: Hyksos
American government review

Bellringer: Ahmose I
Test on Civil Liberties

Bellringer: Amenhotep I
American government review

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Current Grades Online at TeacherWeb

Current grades are posted online at TeacherWeb. I provided students with passwords. I cannot send passwords via email for security reasons, but I can send a note home with a student with the password. I intend to update after major tests or at least once each week.

I sometimes put non-graded items on the point sheets for your information. Examples include results of pre-tests and whether or not certain forms have been submitted.

Primary Sources

I discussed primary sources during the first week of school when we covered the social studies fair packet and again a couple of weeks ago. If you want more information on primary sources see this brief article from Yale:

Weekly Preview

Hopefully, I will be back on Wednesday. Please keep my father-in-law in your thoughts as he recovers from an automobile accident. He is still in the hospital.



  • Bellringer: Menes
  • American government review video
  • Research papers due (bring your papers and assume I will be back on this day)

  • Bellringer: : Djoser
  • American government review video
  • Tests on the executive branch and the Constitution

  • Bellringer: Imhotep
  • American government review video
  • Test on federalism (know the seven stages of federalism, know about each stage, and know the cake analogies)