Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekly Preview (Week After Thanksgiving Break)

These are the bellringers for the week after Thanksgiving. Please do not confuse them with the ones on Egypt for tomorrow's quiz.

I encourage my students to download and print the GLE outlines before coming to class. It will save you a lot of work. See the link to the iDisk on the right-hand column of this blog.

Bellringer: Philistines and Sea People
GLE #18

Bellringer: Aegean Civilization
GLE #19

Bellringer: Minoan Civilization
GLE #20

Bellringer: Homer
GLE #21

Bellringer: Trojan War
Review Test -- American Government (study the crosswords from the review videos)
Quiz on Bellringers -- Ramses II to Homer

The test on this week's GLEs will be next Tuesday.