Don't panic! But do study. The test will cover GLEs 53, 54, 55, 56, and 57. The crossword puzzles are available below. Study the crosswords and you should do well. We will play a review game on Thursday but you still need to study the crosswords.
Remember, the skit on GLE #53 and the rap on #54 are due Thursday.
GLE #53. Explain and analyze factors affecting production and allocation of goods/services in Louisiana and the United States (E-1B-M2)
GLE #54. Explain the difference between private goods/services and public goods/services and give examples of each (E-1B-M3)
GLE #55. Identify the costs and benefits of a given government policy (e.g., trade agreements, minimum wage) on a competitive market (E-1B-M4)
GLE #56. Identify various types of taxes and user fees and predict their consequences (E-1B-M5)
GLE #57. Explain reasons for trade between nations and the impact of international trade (E-1B-M6)