Monday, April 20, 2009
The Counterfactuals Project
Working in small groups (2 to 3 students), students will select a turning point in history, change the outcome, and project a counterfactual series of cause and effect events based on the altered turning point. A "turning point" is some event that made a difference in history, such as Bienville bluffing the English captain into leaving the Mississippi River. The events will be presented in a timeline and PowerPoint. I have reserved library time on 30 April & 1 May for research time and group work on this project. The counterfactual history must be logical, realistic, and probable. Omit references to mythological figures or anything that would be impossible in the real world (such as unicorns, dragons, or magic). Also exclude anything not known to exist, such as space aliens. Even in the counterfactual history all the rules of physics still apply. Rubrics have been provided.
cause and effect,
small group,